Friday, December 30, 2011

This is my Journey, This is where it all starts over.

When your curves have curves and those curves have curves you stop being a curvy woman and just start being fat. Well that's me. I'm a fat woman. I'm also a mom of three beautiful girls, and an amazing wife.

I've tried to keep being "fat" define who I am, but that is a losing battle. I've decided that I'm going to start working out and getting into shape for myself first, my family second. I do believe that my children and my husband deserve to have a happy woman in their lives and not some miserable woman that just doesn't want to do anything and can't wait for it to be dark outside to, well, be outside.

I'm embarrassed about my size, the way my fat jiggles, and hangs. I never meant for my body and life to be like this, but this is what it's become. I feel trapped at times, but it's time to break free and be able to live. To take pictures and make memories for my girls and family. To be outgoing again and not worry about what other people think about me. To not worry about if I'll fit in that seat, if the airplane belt will fit across me, to shop in the "cute" clothing sections, to not have to suck it in anymore.

This is going to be my journey. I hope you'll stick around to share it with me.

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